Tutoring in the 2018/2019 school year – how much can you earn [RATES]

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Shortly after the start of the new school year, the search for tutors begins. The later, i.e. the closer to winter, the harder it is to find a good private teacher. And the more expensive. We provide examples of tutoring price lists for the 2018/2019 school year.

Some equate extracurricular activities with private tutoring. However, there is a subtle difference. While activities such as interest clubs, workshops or courses usually develop a young person’s passions and deepen his knowledge, tutoring is usually to help the same young person learn or prepare him for exams. We provide examples of tutoring rates in the 2018/2019 school year per clock hour, not per lesson hour.

How we prepared the price list for tutoring

We assumed that it is the student who goes to the tutor’s home. We took into account not only the individual most popular and less popular subjects, but also who the person giving private lessons in the one-on-one system is (only the student and the tutor). Experience comes at a price, or rather – experienced people value themselves. It is known that tutoring with an academic lecturer (and in the case of a foreign language teacher – with a native speaker) is more expensive, and the cheapest – with a first-year student. The degree of complexity of the material also affects the price of an individual lesson.

This is how it was 3 years ago: Tutoring – a good way to earn extra income

Our specific price list is based on advertisements in the traditional press and on the Internet, on various portals. Note: the amounts we provide are indicative only.


Tutoring is always the most popular of the “Englishman”. Probably because this language, as a modern foreign language, is learned most by children and teenagers. Usually, in the case of tutoring, high school graduates are the largest group of students, but English lessons are attended not only by people preparing for the final exams. Usually, children from older primary school years start to learn English individually, and they will finish their education after passing their high school diploma.

See offers : Tutoring in foreign languages ​​

A student (not necessarily English philology) will take a minimum of PLN 20 per hour. An English teacher, for example teaching at school, and earning extra money on “traffic jams”, usually gets from 30 to 40 zlotys. There are also lessons for which you have to pay PLN 100. This is the rate for some lecturers preparing for the Matura exam.


A lesson costs at least PLN 18. Most often, teachers charge PLN 25. However, selected tutors want over PLN 60 per hour.


You have to pay a minimum of PLN 18, and the most – around PLN 45. Here, the rate rarely exceeds PLN 50.

Polish language

15 zlotys – this is the lowest price for an extra Polish lesson. The prices of these tutoring usually do not exceed PLN 50.

Find a service : Humanities tutoring

History and WOS

Most often, these two subjects are taught by the same teacher. The rates in both cases start at PLN 15 and end at PLN 55.


Takes second place, after English, among the most popular subjects for tutoring. For less than PLN 20 per hour, hardly any private teacher will agree to give you an extra lesson. In the case of the most expensive maths tutoring, you should pay about PLN 70.


In the category of the most popular physics tutoring, it would be 3rd, behind maths (2nd place) and Polish (which would win this kind of ranking). A student of physics (or a related faculty) will ask for at least PLN 30 per hour. It also happens that a teacher with many years of experience gives physics lessons, paying 70 zlotys.

Recommended ads : Science tutoring


Here the prices start from PLN 20 and end at PLN 50. The average rate is PLN 25.


A medical student, for example, will agree to give biology tutoring if the client pays him 20 zlotys. The rates for this item do not exceed PLN 40.

Read also: Before graduation, tutoring prices increase by up to 50 percent


Here it is usually not about learning the material that the class works on music at school, but about teaching the child to play an instrument (although private lessons in music theory are also encountered). An hour of learning to play the piano starts from PLN 25, and sometimes reaches over PLN 60. The prices of learning to play the keyboard are similar. Who wants to learn to play the violin, will pay a minimum of 20 zlotys. This is the same as on the guitar.

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