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It is not difficult to notice that when Ugańczyk, Father John Bashobora appears in Poland, his presence evokes a range of feelings among people with various views. The author of one of the Internet articles, when describing these moods, used – probably the most appropriate – epithet: “ambivalent”. There is no doubt that while countless crowds travel the farthest corners of Poland to meet a charismatic, skeptics show a far-reaching distance from the signs that happen through the agency of a priest from Africa. In sometimes – it would seem – spectacular forms of meetings and prayers of praise, the faithful want to experience the power of God. However, those who approach these events with a high degree of distrust remain at the opposite extreme in their convictions.

On a commercial TV station, Father Bashobora was considered a controversial priest. In the short material from the “Jesus in the Stadium” retreat, I tried in vain to find any trace of controversy, in the proper understanding of the word. The miracle of forgiveness, prayer, trust in God, abundant life that only the Creator can give us, and above all the need to direct our actions and behavior towards God who is the guarantor of our happiness and the giver of love – this is the message that he sent to the faithful gathered at the national stadium by the charismatic priest from Uganda. Controversy or rather the Gospel? But if we relate these instructions to the behavior that is created in the “colored letters”, then we are actually dealing with a controversial action. Especially if we take into account the message of Father Bashobora about not using IVF, or stopping relying on one’s own strength and turning to God’s will. The fact is, it definitely stands out from the mainstream. Anyway ??

People who worship God, a priest who humbly emphasizes the power of God who works miracles, lines to confessionals, constant adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, testimonies of conversions, Holy Mass and encouragement to reflect on your own life. “We must always stand before ourselves and God in truth,” said Fr. Bashobora. Contrary to the common, perhaps fueled by malicious opinions, Father Bashobor does not play the role of a showman during these numerous meetings, but constantly points to God, the need to establish and maintain a deep relationship with Him. The priest does not pretend to be a Catholic star, which many may accuse him of. He emphasizes that he is the executor of God’s will and encourages the faithful to do so. Different opinions about his activities are also visible among bishops. Some people are invited, others abstain from approving.

Although during the services with prayer for healing all over the world there have been abuses among those waiting for a miracle and this is perhaps a reason to be careful about J. Bashobora’s charism – it must be borne in mind that this priest is not he humbly applies all goodness to God, preaching with conviction to countless crowds that “they will not leave Jesus Christ at any cost. Never! ”.

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