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Read Time:4 Minute, 41 Second

God’s Kingdom a merchant

Further reflecting on God’s kingdom described in Matthew 13: 44-52, we come to the passage that compares KB to a merchant. 45 Come on, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for beautiful pearls. 46 When he found one pearl of great value, he went, sold everything he had and bought her.

In the previous consideration, we told ourselves that it was Christ the Lord who redeemed us from the slavery of the devil at the cost of his death, that is, he gave us everything that he had on earth for us. We also remembered that Adam and Eve’s sin had sold us in this captivity, and we were buried in the ground under the devil’s rule. However, the day came when Jesus redeemed this land and raised us up to place in us – clay vessels – a treasure – of the Holy Spirit, that is, His presence. As it was in the Temple of Jerusalem, where the presence of the Lord was in the most holy place, and earlier in the tabernacle of Moses. Now Jesus is getting us out of this world and redeeming us for the Father, the price was terrible – His life. It just so happens that our friend, after several years of proclaiming her Gospel, gave her life to the Lord today, He touched her on Saturday, when she used the prophetic ministry, but today she consciously and passionately said – I give you my life, Lord Jesus! A great moment in my life, although God has given me the grace to bring many people to Him, but each person is great news, all heaven is happy about this event. Praise the Lord!

She was taken out of the earth and brought into the Kingdom of God, she experienced salvation. How happy she was, how much she felt, how she cried with happiness and then this warm presence, full of love in her heart, it is wonderful. Jesus is great!

Coming back to our reflection , we come to the merchant, interesting by the way that many biblical scholars say that the pearl is the KB, not a merchant, maybe that’s easier J But the Bible leaves no illusions, the merchant represents KB. We can see that he already owns the pearls, but he found it so valuable that he is ready to sell them all to buy the only one. I wonder why others did not see this value in the pearl, after all there were probably many pearl merchants there. Why did he have to search for so long to find out that this one is the most valuable, worth all the others?

Let’s try this parable – put the picture in a logical series. Jesus redeems us, places his Spirit in us and we become citizens of the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit enlivens our human spirit and gives it life. We begin to transform in our spirit, mind and body, the Lord is making these changes. We grow in the knowledge of the Lord, experience spiritual reality, receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and learn to use them, we begin to bear fruit, we undertake Kingdom service, and suddenly we find that we have to give up some of our human habits, ways of behaving, our hobbies, or other things that are taking our time.

God encourages us to go further and on, and therefore we are faced with a dilemma, whether to keep my “favorites”, or leave them for what God wants, or do I want to choose His will in my life and carry the cross of my calling with him? This is the most precious pearl, others may see no value at all in our obedience to God, they may mock us, scoff at us that we all give away the pearls that we all have for the one that often makes our lives determined by God so that He is always in 1st place, we may even have declared so, but now is the time for it to happen. Maybe you are standing in this market and you are minting your pearls in your pocket and you are not sure if it is worth throwing yourself into God’s hands 100%, I encourage you to do it! Let your life be determined by doing God’s will, whatever it may be. Perhaps God will teach you first, guide you slowly, and finally the day will come when you have to make a choice. God has been preparing me to become a pastor for 14 years and he has been teaching me all the time and I can say that I am in the beginning. I have so much to learn, so many mistakes I have made. But God in His grace is not giving up on me.

I have my pearl I don’t know if God decides it’s not the final pearl yet, I’m ready Lord, I want to follow you, because only in you is my life! Beloved, let us not stay in the position of treasure, let us continue with the Lord. Poland sang a beautiful song by Barka – this is what speaks of his vocation – the Lord stood on the shore and is looking for people ready to follow him! Are you ready? I remember singing it as a year-old convert, but with all my heart – O Lord, you looked at me, your lips said my name today, I leave my barge (pearl) on the shore, together with you I will start a new hunt!

02/10/2015 Your Lord Kazik Juszczak

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