Internships: chance or exploitation

Posted On By Carl
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Only every second intern gets a job in the company where he practiced. Experts from Opole say, however, that although there are pathologies, the system works well in the fight against unemployment.

Michał graduated in management and marketing, after which he had a six-month internship in the field of advertising in one of the Wrocław companies. Unfortunately, he did not get a job after him. – I heard that I was doing my job well, so I was counting on a full-time job. The employer, however, excused himself by the crisis and the lack of vacancies – he says.

See: Opole students want to work

A marketer has not found a job in the profession to this day. Works in the customer service department of a bank. – It may not be a dream job, but better than slapping unemployment – she says and admits that she is constantly looking for something in her dream profession. – Maybe it will work.

The story of Katarzyna, who graduated from German philology at the University of Opole a few years ago, was different. – There was no work, so I decided to do an internship in the office – he says.

And although employment in public institutions takes place on the basis of competitions, Katarzyna’s experience gained during the internship has paid off. – I took part in one of the announced competitions and I made it – he says. – The apprenticeship paid off, I got the job and I continue to do it.

What is the actual effectiveness of the internships? According to the data of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, people who last year completed internships, 48.4 percent got a job. of them. This proportion has been going on for years.

The situation is similar in the Opole region

In Strzelce Opolskie, half of the interns get a job in the company where they practiced. In the case of private employers, who do not have to announce competitions for positions, this percentage is much higher and amounts to over 80%.

– When we send interns, we require employment guarantees from the employer – says Norbert Jaskóła, director of the District Employment Agency in Strzelce Opolskie. – We cannot enforce it, but the employers still keep their promises. Besides, we are a small office and know most of the companies, so no one is anonymous.

This year, labor offices have much less money to activate the unemployed than in the record-breaking 2010, which is why they send much less people to internships. Meanwhile, the interest in them – both on the part of the unemployed and employers – is enormous.

In the past, young people up to 25 years of age were directed to them.

Today the situation is different. This form of assistance can be used by persons up to 27 years of age, provided that they have not completed one year of their studies, as well as, inter alia, people without any professional competences, long-term unemployed, single mothers, unemployed people with disabilities and people over 50 years of age. However, the latter are the least numerous.

– Older people with professional experience very often do not want to work as interns, due to the amount of remuneration – explains Norbert Jaskóła, head of the PUP shooting.

The average salary for a trainee is about PLN 900 gross

The employer does not pay the employee anything, he must possibly cover the costs of medical examinations for which he refers the future intern and provide him with working clothes on his own.

According to experts, internships are helpful in the fight against unemployment.

The employer has the opportunity to train the future employee for free, and the unemployed gains professional experience, can count on a scholarship and present himself directly in the company. However, it is a common opinion that many employers treat interns as free labor that can be exchanged for someone else after the internship.

– We had a case where one of the hotels in Nysa showed that it had no employees and therefore needed 20 interns, admits Kordian Kolbiarz, the head of the Nysa “intermediary”. – It’s a margin though.

According to experts, an internship is valuable only if both the employer and the employee take it seriously.

“Employers are usually satisfied with the interns, but not because they are free labor,” says Norbert Jaskóła. – The possibility of training someone for a profession is more important to them. However, it sometimes happens that the employer and the trainee do not match. This is normal.

The same opinion is shared by Antoni Duda, director of the PUP in Opole. This year, the Opole “intermediary” considers applications for internships by competition. There is a section in the application where the employer must answer the question of whether or not he intends to hire a trainee.

– The problem is that we are unable to enforce this obligation later – explains Antoni Duda. – All we can do is not send another intern to this company next time.

Sometimes the situations are not so obvious. There are cases in which the employer previously assured that he would hire an unemployed person, and then did not do it. – Companies always try to explain this situation – adds Antoni Duda. – You also have to look at it from a different angle. Not every intern has to be successful. Understandably, companies then want another one. But as it was, we will not check it anymore.

As he adds, the effectiveness of internships is also directly related to the situation on the labor market. “There are just not enough bids for everyone,” he explains. – Everything depends on the economic situation in the country. Even the best intern will not get a job if the company is not planning to hire, because it is struggling with problems and it simply cannot afford it.

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