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Get up my friend, my beautiful! Come on! PnP 2.10b


Yesterday, we looked into the heart of the Bride who, in love with her Bridegroom, was still wild, shy and learned to relate to the Lord. She was thrilled with the thought that Christ was for her, but she wasn’t for Him yet. The law of spiritual infancy and maturation slowly works on our Bride and the invitation of the Bridegroom to stand up and go further, causes in her joy and a desire which results in searching for the beloved one. The winter time of Song 2:11 is over, and the time to wake up from the spiritual dream, which was also very much needed, is over. However, despite this, we can see that the person jumping in the mountains is standing behind the wall behind bars, it is an image of our readiness to follow the Lord who calls us to a deeper relationship, a relationship that can even bewilder, overwhelming. Some of us experienced the presence of the Lord in such an amazing way that perhaps we lay before Him like Saul in Rama I Sam. 19, 23-24 therefore she exclaims “do not wake up and do not scare the love until it wants to!” PnP 2.5

The dove is hidden in the fractures of the crevices, The Lord not only sees the eyes of the dove of Song 1:15c, but sees it all as dove 2:14a, which must pass through the experience of the cross, these chasms are severe, they indicate the experiences that the Bride must go through, to hear and to understand. “Only when we cross the cross can we lose something. We preach the resurrection because sinners need life. We preach the cross because believers need loss. ” PnP A story of love between God and man p. 44. Another obstacle are the foxes that spoil the vineyard, these are all the things that keep a man from surrendering to the Lord and taking the first step in obedience to love. The foxes too, they eat the fruit and thus spoil the vineyard. These our habits, habits, habits from the old life can spoil the revelation we enter into, into a deeper relationship with the Lord, a deeper understanding of His love and its reciprocity.

In the third chapter we see the Bride looking for the Bridegroom again, where she has gone, how she might have lost Him, has no idea where she is . She looks for Him and asks the watchmen, asks other believers, but no one can lead you to a true relationship with the Lord, it is your desire and your search that make you come still immature, but the search for it is effective. The Lord understands her commitment, the Lord understands that she no longer cares about getting to know Him, but begins to care for Himself. Here is an image of a column of smoke that can be seen from the steppe in other translations from the desert. The Virgo is slowly approaching from the wandering position and is already endowed with myrrh, frankincense and all spices. The virgin begins to reflect her Bridegroom, His suffering and death through myrrh, the resurrection to the high priesthood, which is symbolized by incense. In the end, she understands that her old life has no value, but she has a new life in him and that is why she adorns and anoints herself as her Beloved wishes.

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The tragedy of anointing is seen in, for example, J. 12: 1-8 and Matt. 26: 6-13 – where the symbolic Bride in the person of Mary, who experienced the “world”, who knew what rejection is and what the love of the Lord is, gave Him what is most precious, where she sensed with all her “senses” that the Lord was approaching the end your earthly ministry. That soon, he would be offered a ruthless, outrageous, unjust sacrifice. She knew it because she had heard and seen, the rest ignored the Lord’s words, “she did this for my funeral.” Matt. 26.12. How much we need to awake our instincts and spiritual receptors, like the Virgin of the Song, we may not understand what is happening around us for a long time, we may not understand the Lord for a long time, because we are too focused on ourselves. I often hear in Christians, I hear this, I say that, I am siamto, but the Lord is not in it. I am everywhere, do we rely on ourselves? Maria anointed the Lord to death, the smell of her oil supported Him on the cross, when he saw all the people for whom he was dying, Mary’s gesture gave hope, in this gesture you and I are, for whom God decided to show us grace. The Virgin, returning from the desert, already knew that her love must mature and her responsibility must grow.

Bride’s Breasts are an image of faith and love, and the twig of myrrh placed between them is the righteousness of the Lord who has sealed us and entered us inside. The breasts of every maid, is an ornament, it is one of the feminine decorations that are attractive to a man. Prov. Sal. 5:19b but with time they become the indispensable sustenance of the fruit of love, the child. From the position of boasting about her breasts, a woman enters a position of feeding and responsibility for the life of a new man. Thus, the Church, the Bride, cannot only be the one who looks good and delights, but the one who gives birth to and nourishes her children. This task requires getting rid of selfishness and devotion to the Lord, who has paid the greatest price, so that the Children of God may be born through the ages. She is also constantly working on the maturity of her Bride so that, being loved and provided, she also understands this role.

In the fourth chapter, , we find a description of the Lord of his chosen one. The eyes of a dove that can already see spiritual things where the Holy Spirit gives insight. The hair symbolizing sacrifice and obedience, coming down from Gilead, the goats are satiated and watered, so also through obedience to the Lord we experience His feeding, His Word fills us and His Spirit feeds us, we can lie quietly on green pastures, safe and full. It is closeness to the Lord that gives us such moments. Teeth are a symbol of food intake, we are capable of receiving and chewing on what the Lord gives us. Tasting God’s food becomes wonderful, it is (food) like honey Ps. 119,103. Lips, like a crimson ribbon, cleansed lips, as Isaiah experienced, are now graceful, not talking about themselves, but understanding that praising the Lord is their purpose.

Cheeks symbol of external beauty. They are veiled from the world, the Bride’s deeds and beauty are for the Lord, not for show. We only express what is within us to the Lord. Neck, a symbol of submission to God’s will. The bride has no stiff neck, no rebellion or deception. The neck of the Bride is no longer bent by Satan or lifted up because of pride, but it is beautiful. On it hang shields and ornaments, the works of the Virgin, which are pleasing to the Lord. You charmed me, my sister, bride (wife). PnP 4.9a. Yes, the Lord already calls the Bride his wife, sister, these confessions speak of his enchantment with her, but also that the Lord does not give up on us, that His work in us has achieved results, that the Holy Spirit is working on us. That the flapper becomes mature people who follow the Lord without fear and fear.

That’s it for today, I invite you to come tomorrow to see how the Bride will handle the cross.

Yours in Mr. Kazik J.

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