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Reflection on Holy Monday, year B1


Three years ago I wrote an article called The drama of fragrances and it is still an inspiration for me in my “ministry” at various services, retreats, New Chance Days or sermons in communities. This subject, especially in the run-up to Easter, touches my heart with all my might. Together with the Bible group, with the listeners of my sermons or with the listeners of the radio “Christian”, I visit the apartment of a certain Simon the leper, who was a Pharisee and who, though reluctantly, welcomed Jesus in his home.

There, in this house, an extraordinary dramatic scene was taking place. A woman of no value in the eyes of Simon became the messenger of the Lord’s death as the only being who anointed Him to death. I woke up at three in the morning today and couldn’t sleep. My thoughts were in this house, with the Lord, watching this scene, experiencing it and the only words that came out of my mouth were: “Lord … oh … Lord …”

“What is this waste for?” Came from the lips of His disciples like a sharp dagger. “Am I worthless to you, because this oil was more valuable? How much do you value me for 300 denarii? You haven’t met me yet, Martha, Lazarus, Peter, John, Matthew, Judas? ” “It won’t come upon you, Lord,” seemed to be the foreground sentence. Likewise, we tell a person with cancer that it will be okay …. but we know it won’t be.

In January, my wife was in the hospital, a woman was lying next to her, her mother-in-law, daughter, husband came to her and everyone hoped that she would live until the sentence was passed: it was cancer. In December she worked in Germany on a contract, she enjoyed her family during Christmas, and here in the hospital they opened her stomach and sewed it up. Recently, the wife met her family and asked how my mother. She died 10 days after she was transferred to the palliative unit, which is still in January.

The wife is back in the hospital, in the same room and even in the place where that woman was, then different and different. We don’t know what’s wrong with her, she has stomach and pancreas problems. We pray for it and ask, “Lord, only in You is hope.” My thoughts go back to the house of Simon, who is no longer a leper. He experienced a miracle, probably Jesus healed him, because why would a Pharisee invite Jesus to his home? But his heart was telling him, “No, he is unimportant, he surrounds himself with such people, such weirdos. And this one, she probably doesn’t know who she is. ” But He knew because he came to them, to those who are sick, to those who seek comfort in Him.

Pour out your hearts to him – sings TGD in the song from the title album “Ukojenie”. She poured out her heart and knew that this scent of oil or national ointment would smell on the Lord’s body even where none of us would like to be – on the cross on Calvary. This fragrance reminded the Lord that it is worth giving life to people like Mary, like Peter, like John, like Matthew, like you, and like me. This oil, running down his head, chin, tunic, down to his feet, made death easier, although they did not understand him now, though now he had to say to Peter: “Get away from me, Satan, because you speak human and not God, ”and though he knew he would be denied. Ultimately, however, she calls Peter as well as you. Despite…

The whole house was filled with the scent of the national oil, the oil that reminds us of the life of Mary, of her fall and lifting by the Lord, of her sitting at the feet of the Lord and of the loving “Rabbuni”, of weeping over the tomb of her brother Lazarus and of his miracle resurrection by the Lord. Now they are sitting together in one room, and Simon, embarrassed, has to endure it. He did not give the bowl of water, he did not anoint the Lord as a noble guest, but he did his duty. How do we come to the Lord? Are we drumming another rhyme? Do we sing the familiar choruses in the crowd? Yawning, will we listen to what the one who dares to teach us about God will tell us? In the end, looking at this room, will we show more solidarity with Simon, Judas, maybe Lazarus or the busy Marta?

Or maybe we will reach into our heart and see there a longing, an unquenchable longing for intimacy with God, for His love, for His presence. Maybe we already have the most expensive oil in our hands and we want to pour it over Jesus’ head, and He looks at us and asks: Are you sure? Do you really want to take up your cross and follow me? Do you really want to lead the life of a servant who humbly does my will? Do you really invite Me to be your No. 1? Do you know what you decide to do? I believe, Dear Reader, that you are ripe for this decision.

I believe that your life will soon be determined by the life of Christ and the scent of nard wafting on Golgotha, mingled with the blood and sweat of the Lord, mingled with tears and fear, betrayal and pain. I believe this fragrance will give you life.


Lenten Retreat 2014

Retreat Considerations

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