TVN or TVP? Choose wisely, you dummy!

Posted On By Carl
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To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?
Tusk or Kaczyński?
Inflation is whose fault?

Such questions can be asked endlessly.

But why you fool? Because everyone who does not think, but goes to extremes, explores emotions without any reflection, is a “depth”. I am a fool myself. Being in depth is a state in which we do not have a passage in the frontal cortex, that is, we do not think, but we are stuck thoughtlessly or we do, but we do not know why and for what. Thousands of things on our heads make us unable to stop, we easily judge, criticize and polarize ourselves!

And when you add fake news (untrue information) and then deep fake video (edited video that looks real but is a lie), it starts rolling.

Research and experts add oil to the fire. Whatever your view is, there will always be an expert with the prefix dr / prof. To tell you there are studies that say something different.

It used to be easier.

The king, priest, the eldest of the family, spoke of how to think. And you thought so.
And now there is no king. The priest listens less and less. The eldest in the family ceased to be an authority.

So either there is no one to listen to, or you listen to everyone, or there is someone who speaks things clearly and interestingly on the Internet, and allows you to sort out the chaos of reality, but which usually causes polarization. It makes us not try to understand the other side, but we keep hitting and criticizing them more and more. We set off on the road to the extremes.

We don’t have time to understand. We do not want to read carefully the analyzes of vaccines and anti-vaccines. We do not even have the technical ability to investigate all good and bad things from PO, TVN and good and bad things from PIS, TVP. Because you would have to reach many analyzes, magazines and compile real facts.

There are no easy answers. There is no single solution to these growing conflicts. Except for one thing: common enemy and cataclysm. If there is a common enemy, then nation and nations unite. But when there is relative peace, peace, and there is no one enemy, the search begins or someone finds him. But then each group has its enemy.

There is another option – preaching love, cooperation across divisions. The problem is that these are often empty words. Because as people, we have a great ability to live with empty slogans. We wish ourselves health, but we do not care for it. We say that the family is the most important thing, but we mainly live by work. We say to the children: don’t swear or smoke, and a minute later we smoke and swear in front of the baby.

And get in here man be smart.

As parents, Kamila and I had a dilemma in December 2021 – to vaccinate our son or not. Some say: NO! Because it’s bad. Others – YES! Because it’s responsible. But when you ask both about arguments, they either don’t have them, or they speak with cliche they have heard. Some cite research. The problem is that both have arguments titled “Research has shown that …” or “You didn’t know that according to the research …”. The beginning is the same. The only tip was “… the children had heart disease from vaccines” or “… that’s safe”. When it later turns out that only x% had a problem with myocarditis and everyone recovered, the anti-vaccine agent will say: It’s a conspiracy! you belive this? There is definitely more! They darken, because they want to earn big corporations.
And when someone says: – My uncle felt terrible after the vaccination for 2 months, the vaccine worker will say: but there is probably another reason, and even if it is a small percentage. It is more important that we are vaccinated because it protects.

And really, each side has their own arguments. And the fire appears when emotions are revealed and epithets appear: Because you are irresponsible, that you risk the child’s health by vaccinating. What about fertility! You’re being deceived. You moron YOU! vs. You are irresponsible because you are risking your baby’s health by not vaccinating! What about mortality, what about the postovid consequences! You moron YOU!

And it goes on and on.

Now what?

Nothing. Sweeped. Polarization will be unleashed until the cataclysm Fri blackout or lack of electricity or to war. Although the Internet will make it easier to blame others, so it might even get things started.

And what about it?
What do I do when there’s chaos around and you don’t know what to believe?

It is important to get to know different points of view.

I know. It’s easier to go to the extreme and hate the others. It’s just simpler. But one remedy for the polarization madness is the curiosity of both sides. I want to have a point of view openly. This makes decisions difficult and time-consuming at times. Cause a headache. But it protects me from extremes. That’s why I created different groups on WhatsApp with my friends – to exchange articles, thoughts. That is why I created the LMC Club to create not only a space for networking, but also inspiration, exchange of ideas and support in difficult decisions. A smart community becomes crucial in a world of chaos. Smart. Because a great danger for groups is to wind up their members and create an invisible enemy. Then the community magnifies the polarization. It makes decisions easier, but it strengthens the extremes. It’s not easy to build a space that helps, not winds up. But we took on this challenge.

It is also crucial to follow your values ​​so as not to hurt others. (question, of course, when do I hurt? Do I hurt when I wear a mask and want others to wear – but then I limit their freedom? Or maybe I hurt when I don’t wear it because I risk disease? – stairs appear again). I want to rely on what is important all the time. The more I know myself, the more confident I can choose.

The next element (perhaps the most important) is following what gives you inner peace.

Because at the end of the day it is crucial. Ultimately, I do not know whether by vaccinating myself or my child I am not causing health problems in x years. Ultimately, I do not know whether by not vaccinating I am not causing disease complications in myself and if I am not putting others at risk. The “facts” are different. That is why I have been learning to listen to the sensations in the body for years. So that even when faced with a muddle of facts and pseudo-facts, we should be embedded in ourselves. Without it, not only the mind will go crazy, but the whole interior as well. At the end of the day, we only have ourselves and what we feel. If we don’t find methods that help us feel embedded, we’ll go crazy.

There is one more important piece of this building

I have the acceptance that I can make a mistake. As one of my clients once said: I believe I’m right, but I know I can be wrong. So when following the decision to vaccinate or deciding not to accept the invitation as an expert to TVP, because what TVP does, I believe and feel that I am doing right, and at the same time I have the acceptance that I may be wrong.

In the world of mental warfare, social polarization, does this approach make sense?
I believe so, but I know I can be wrong.

Such a thought. As part of the # 2 Dębowski Column [#fd]

What’s your thought? What do you agree with? What do you disagree with?
And how do you deal with the duality of reality?

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