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Read Time:6 Minute, 49 Second

Time first! And time is money! Certainly for those for whom the presence on social networking sites is part of their paid work. What’s in it for you? Do you really have an advantage to be on Facebook?

Facebook is an amazing time hungry. You want to come in for a moment to check if any of your friends accidentally wrote to you. By the way, while you’re here, take a look at the timeline. It’s only a moment, I’ll be gone soon. And on the timeline, my friend writes that she is sick, so it is appropriate to wish her recovery in the commentary. It is also appropriate to ask what is wrong with her. Of course, in the event that the friend does not tell her what is wrong with her in the post. Anyway, our stay on the portal was a bit longer.

The profiles of popular meme sites have posted the most interesting of them on their board. So let’s check it out. Important news is provided by news sites. This arouses our curiosity again and we click. We’ll just check on friends. ABOUT! Someone proposed, someone is expecting a child, someone is sad, someone goes to the cinema, someone reads a book or bought a new CD and regrets the money spent. We write comments, like and share. In the meantime, someone wrote to us, we are polite, so we write back, but the conversation does not end with a quick exchange of courtesies.

From the 15 minutes provided for checking the message, the hour is two or three o’clock. And when the job was lying, it was just like that.

Second, privacy. I look at your profile and I know how and with whom you spent the weekend. I know your political and religious views. I know what you like to watch, read and listen to. I can see your e-mail address and phone number. I know if you are sad or happy. I know whether to offer you a vodka or a disco. I know who your partner is and that you two just quarreled. Moreover, I know that your partner left his wife and child for you. I know you are a happy mom. I also know you got a fine yesterday. I know where you work and that you don’t like your employer. I also know you have a drug problem. The photo with the bottle in the background, the third one this month, told me about it! I know your bra cup size. I also know what you had for dinner.

I don’t know what mushroom you wanted to tell me for? Think about it J .

Third, self-esteem . Because, contrary to appearances, the treatments that are to build you up, in fact, expose you and take away what they have just given you. Because by sharing your privacy with the world, you show me that you have complexes. You show me no one told you you were beautiful. You were screwed up in your youth, and now you prove to everyone how wrong they were about you.

Really posting the same selfie over and over again and collecting likes won’t change your perception of yourself. You want to show me that you love yourself and your body, but you really hate the man you see in the mirror. A hundred likes will not change your self-esteem. You may feel better, but self-esteem is not well-being. Believe me, emotions will drop quickly, you will rub off your makeup and you will stay the same.

Tossing in smart quotes doesn’t make you smarter! You don’t have to prove your wisdom to me, I will test it myself by talking to you. I know you have a need to be a significant element in the discussion, but you really won’t change the world by sharing your opinion with Facebook. I will worry you, the mighty of this world do not read Facebook! Actors and musicians are not reading your posts!

Don’t get upset when someone in your discussion ends the discussion. He has the right to start and stop whenever he wants. And it’s not about disrespecting you. Apparently he has more important things than discussing with you. Why would he put you above his life? Do not be upset when you comment with someone “important”, and he does not deign to reply to your scribbles. He is a professor, a respected journalist, a significant dissident, and you are just plain gray Kowalski. Indeed, your adversary has no obligation to reply to your comments. Of course, when he does not write back, it means that he is puffed up and brawny. Then do not vote for him in the next election, change the authority, start reading someone else, unluck him, remove him from your friends but please do not reproach him for his behavior in the comments! Really, your words won’t hurt him, but you! It’s you who expose your smallness, rudeness, rudeness, complexes, low self-esteem, or whatever. Your holy indignation will not really hurt him. Fewer likes and friends, a poor election result, a drop in the number of visits to the site will hurt him. Contrary to appearances, it hurts the most J .

About the number of friends. Do you really think a few hundred friends make you important? Do you really think these people are your army to defend you? Do you really think these masses want to be among your friends? Do you think that the number of birthday wishes makes you important to these people? Do you really think that caring for you, your health, etc. is an expression of genuine interest in you? Do you think Facebook accounts are “real”? The answer cannot be any other than no! Just do not!

Just disappear for a few days or delete your account and most won’t even notice! And you will be angry, sad and offended with the whole world, because everyone does not care about you. Tell me friend, have they ever been interested in you and being your friend? When you log out to life, you are alone, because you have not built any relationship outside the portal. Maybe you would like to have one, but none of your virtual friends wants to build a live relationship with you. If you delete Facebook, no one will remember your birthday! Tell me why would they remember them? Why would they call and ask about your health? Are you more important than their loved ones? How did you deserve a live relationship? Why would they remember you?

Fourth freedom. Because Facebook is perfect for manipulation. I used to manipulate myself in various matters in order to find out what the reactions of my friends would be. My observations are frightening, almost every time I was able to manipulate people, play on their feelings and evoke specific reactions. I must admit that I had fun up to my armpits more than once, when other people danced to what I played for them.

Manipulations were successful not only from posting but also from private conversations. The invisibility of the interlocutor gives room for creative manipulation. How much information can you get by skillfully conducting a conversation in front of the computer screen, resting calmly on the armchair and sipping a beer? Nobody sees my reaction to what I really think and say.

You can manipulate by watching what you write, like and share. It really doesn’t take much to generate a specific reaction or obtain some information.

Various kinds of portals know this perfectly well, which openly provoke with some headline just to make you click and comment. They make money on it! Remember that!

Such reflections were born in me after discontinuing Facebook for over a month. Of course, I am not persuading you not to use the portal, I would be a hypocrite, because I use it myself. However, I encourage you to take longer breaks from using the fession and more and more often being off-line and on live. You will really feel the difference and taste the freedom!

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