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Motto: “When a woman reaches orgasm with a man, she collaborates with the patriarchal system, eroticizing only the oppression she succumbs to.”

Refugees, welcome ” and “ We want fags, not men ” – or just me I see a certain contradiction between these slogans. The slogans of the demonstration that passed through Warsaw on the anniversary of the October Revolution, recalling the atmosphere of those times thanks to the presence of masked necks. The ideological line of leftism is clearly unclear, but consistent.

Albert Einstein supposedly thought that it was foolish to do the same thing several times and expect different results each time. How do I call people who expect that the effects of neo-Marxism in our country will be different from Marxism? Here are the genderists strengthened enough to go to the stage of terror: they fake the seat of the normals organization and the car: http://wpolityce.pl/spoleczenstwo/270653-skandaliczny-atak-na-praelnikow-ideologii-gender-w-niemyszne -the-seat-and-the-car-of-the-demonstration-demo-fur-alle-directed-against-the-sexualization-of-children was set on fire. It is removing gender from a certain veil. If something is not done about it, it will end in the old way with the new Cheka, NKVD, UB with new rebukes. Yes, the problem is that until they introduce this neoChain, there will be no hard evidence, and when they introduce it, it will be too late. Likewise, attacks by heterophobes on normals demonstrations have also been reported. Look at the photos from this anniversary of the revolution and think about why it is so masked and aggressive? http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/gid,17959252,kat,1342,title,Marsz-prawy-faszyzmowi,galeria.html

The situation is developing dynamically and there is a lot of new information, so stupid as to be unbelievable: Feminists once again limit women’s sexual freedom: http://culturalmarxism.net/a-new-feminist-study-concludes-youre-racist -if-you-dont-have-interacial-sex / Kobitki have to have sex with blacks, because if not, it’s racism. And as soon as with her husband she wants? Well, no have mercy. It is better to let this racism be and let the women not be forced to have sex. I do not fully believe it, but the argument is logical and results from leftist assumptions. Likewise, people will have to engage in homosexual sex for fear of being accused of homophobia. And forcing to such behavior for ideological reasons is rape.


Sexual violence is treated in a bizarre way these days. Feminists clearly weaken opposition to mere thud. Everyone got the face once, everyone got the face, everyone was robbed and stolen. And what? Is the sexual background so special? Two: recently in Poland, under the PO regime, penalties for rape have been eased in the new code and the rank of rape has been lowered in general among other crimes and offenses. Again, the forces of progress do not protest. We are talking here about real rapes, for example: http://telewizjarepublika.pl/imigranci-zgwalcili-14-letnia-dzysznene-jeden-z-napastnikow-justany-na-prace-spoleczne,25564.html. Here are 3 guys attacked and raped a minor. Fourteen-year-old. The penalty of community service or 10 or even 17 months shows acceptance of such practices.

Leftism professes that when there are young men, rape must take place, Poles in England once raped someone there and what? Are the English to throw out all Poles? Leftism’s consent to racist rape is a problem here. It turns out that in Denmark 12% of immigrants generate 36% of rapes and what? And they will educate them sexually. http://www.wprost.pl/ar/524237/Dania-Lawinowo-rosnie-lkieta-gwaltow-Wladze-beda-uczyc-imigrantow-o-seksie/

Real rape is not the problem, the problem is marital rape. Such rape occurs when a wife is not very enthusiastic. And because each one was not shown at one time, each of them was raped. But oppressive patriarchalism blinds her and is unaware of her own situation. It has yet to be liberated and educated, even under duress. And then he will understand.


We now know more and more about gender, there are books, for example: Rev. prof. PaweÅ‚ Bortkiewicz “The History of One Lecture or Gender Unmasked” or Grzegorz Strzemecki “Gender”.

We have recently learned that it is not true, contrary to the emergence of “Ties”, that the Church took out gender in response to pedophilia. Well, compulsory gender training for officials started in 2011 and ultimately this gender was to become an undemocratic state ideology according to which the officials were to proceed. Gender workers avoid, censor, remove. They disregard. They brace themselves into vivid eyes. First, they say gender does not claim. If you put yourself in the eyes of a quote, they downplay that it is only one (and how much should it be? A million?), That it is some doctoral student (i.e. a researcher, no?). That it’s that shit. They also prey on an elementary sense of decency. For example, it’s hard to believe the quote from the motto of this post, people think it’s some balls, a cabaret. And here it is not – pique and avant-garde. When they have nothing to say on the merits, they say the pharmacists about body language. It’s quite a manipulation, by the way. They also do it on TV – when it is very bad, they set up a specialist – a psychologist and he raves something about such a speech, completely off topic. This is a digression.

There is censorship in Poland, progressives censor information about the gene wherever they can. For example, internet forums (historycy.org!) Where only some will get to a stool, it is already cutting off. Therefore


You have to understand that they do not use normal speech there, but function in a dialectical way. As a result, they cannot cope with simple situations, such as the recent attacks in Paris. I have not commented on them so far because there is nothing to do. The only surprise is that it was on Friday the 13th. After all, the caliphate had openly announced that it would send terror with the immigrants. It was known that the money from the transfer was financed by ISIS and what? And nico?

Leftists consistently supported the attacks through postulates:

  1. Accept all without checking or any kind of checking.
  2. Not taking fingerprints, etc. And only thanks to these fingerprints it was possible to establish that the bombers came with the current wave of refugees. It wouldn’t work like that.
  3. Everyone can live wherever they want, so when terrorists come to Germany, they cannot be forbidden.

It’s time to put the question of the management of leftism: who is creating it? After all, they believe the nonsense they talk about. Who is capable of setting up similarly nonsensical attitudes across Europe, and especially among the Brussels regime? We can see a certain frustration: that it was in Paris that the attacks took place and not in Warsaw. We are in the tail of progress, not in the vanguard.


It’s time to ask a few questions:

  1. Are immigrants xenophobic?
  2. The Paris coup is in line with Leninist standards or not? Well, it is consistent: the oppressed classes fight with the possessing classes, the masses become active, that is, everything is fine. Islamists hate the Church, which means they are an element of progress. Everything that fights against Latin civilization is good.
  3. Or were the bombers xenophobes too?

These are simple issues that are taboo for leftism. Neither will say yes or no, they just squeal strangely. Their concern is defense. People are starting to organize themselves and defend themselves against terror at various levels:

  • political: support for the party is increasing,
  • ideological: opposition to neo-Marxist ideology, for example through memes and internet education,
  • action: learn to shoot.

And this is what the progender left is fighting against, because it is the main threat to it.

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