How to control stress and negative emotions

Posted On By Carl
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If you want more inner peace, to deal with stress and emotions, then this article is for you. If you want to deal with a lack of patience, self-winding, tension or overwhelmingness, this could be one of the most important texts you will read this year. Find out about the 5 mistakes that cause internal overload and put you under pressure. Learn 5 tips that will give you more calmness, slack and relaxation despite changes, chaos, and racing.

I wrote the article in a slightly different form. It contains many tips in the form of the so-called bulletpoints, i.e. specific points, not many descriptive sentences. I am curious how you will like this form. In the comment, please write conclusions about the knowledge you will acquire and the proposed form. This article is also part of the #przebijsciane campaign, the aim of which is to help people cope with barriers and limitations that others or ourselves put in front of us. Managing your emotions is one way to break through the wall. Why? Because without keeping calm and composure, we will burn ourselves before we approach this wall. We need energy, embeddedness, otherwise chaos and tension will burn us out from within.

Most people feel stressed after a long day of work, difficult meetings and events:

  • He will throw his emotions on others. It will either take it out on others or just criticize, unjustifiably slander.
  • He will offend and isolate himself. He will lock himself in the room, turn on the TV, immerse himself in the cell phone. It won’t talk to you.
  • She will take advantage of something. Will throw something, destroy it, crush it, slam the door.
  • It will suppress everything in itself. He will suppress emotions, make a good face, pretend in front of others and in front of himself.

You know this? At home or others? Then let’s go further.

Most people to get rid of stress:

  • will watch a movie / series – and that’s good, sometimes it’s a good form to forget for a moment, to get out of your mind, to immerse yourself in another world. If the stress was superficial, good cinema will allow us to let go of what was causing the tension;
  • browses the internet – and good, sometimes watching funny movies, nice photos, just like a movie theater, lets you chill out;
  • will drink – which is good, a small dose sometimes for some is needed to relax faster. If we do it wisely and every now and then and we do not get our body and mind used to the fact that alcohol is the cure for stress (because it is the first step to addiction!), Then we can afford it;
  • will go into sports – and brilliant, we will sweat the tension, tear our head off and it will benefit muscles, tendons and our condition;
  • will go to the party – and great, let’s get a different energy for other people, forget the mundane things.

All of this can work great, and we won’t need any psychological dysfunctions. But what if that doesn’t help? Then psychological dyrdymalas cease to be dyrdymalami, and begin to be the only salvation and wisdom, which finally becomes an essential basis of our functioning.

In a world of change, momentum, technology, if we don’t raise our Emotional Intelligence, we’ll get lost. In a world where AI (artificial intelligence) becomes more and more important, IE (emotional intelligence) is also becoming more and more important.

When our IE is too small, we commit, inter alia, 5 key mistakes that lead to … Exactly. Let’s look at what:

  1. The first mistake leads to a lack of patience in meetings, chatting with others, writing and reading e-mails.
  2. The second bug causes us to get excited and nervous in meetings.
  3. The third mistake is that even if we do well at meetings, we experience them later and it burns us up.
  4. The fourth mistake leads to a feeling of weakness: we do not have the strength to undertake activities, talk, work, household chores.
  5. The fifth mistake determines whether we will get up from a difficult moment or whether life will overwhelm us.

What to do with them?

Take a look at the bulletpoints below.

At the same time, if you need to develop this topic, I invite you to watch the unique, free live training.

For two hours, I talk about the greater detail of each of the following points! Lots of examples, tips!

> Click here

1st error

No patience.

We over expect and judge instead of being attentive and understanding.

Be more interested in the other person’s perspective and trust their intentions.

2nd error

We get busy at meetings.


  1. We think ours is better.
  2. We fear for our self-esteem (we compare ourselves, we fear criticism).


  1. Believe what you are doing, what you say, and at the same time give space to others.
  2. Every concern must become a target.

3rd error

We burn after the meetings.


  1. We are experiencing what we might otherwise have said.
  2. We live what others think.


  1. Accept what was and learn for the future.
  2. Write down these thoughts. Answer it on a piece of paper or in your head – what would you say to the person who criticizes you.

4th error

Feeling of weakness, inferiority.


  1. We over-identify with our account balance, situation, project.
  2. We forget about resources, success.


  1. “Separating yourself” from your account balance, situations, projects. You are not your thoughts!
  2. Remind yourself of resources, be thankful for them.

5 error and 5 solutions in a moment (more than 30 tips in fact). Now a little cutscene. If you want more peace in your life than nerves, then you need to implement everything in this article and…

Książka Ściana - Adam Dębowski, Wojtek Maroszek get to know the contents of the book “Wall”, which is for people who want to break through what other people put in front of us, often ourselves. To achieve a better effect with greater ease and lightness, despite the wall that looms in front of us and makes us do not know what to do, how to react.

To overcome the reluctance of other people, to improve cooperation with them, while achieving professional success.

This book teaches you how to develop strategic and entrepreneurial thinking. How to predict the behavior of others. Know more about people than they do about themselves.

And this will give you more peace and the ability to control difficult situations

The aim of the #primed action and this book is to help you break through a wall while maintaining inner peace.

I think that everyone who knows me, appreciates, respects, learns from me and is in my mailing database and on social media should have this book. It’s a big part of me. Having it will have a real impact on the life and career of the reader. There is a lot of conclusions, thoughts and very practical knowledge that will help in difficult conversations, in dealing with overwhelming problems, in changes and change management, and in situations when resistance in ourselves or in others brings us against the wall. How to tear down this wall, change it or get around – that’s what this book is about. Helps you with today’s challenges and prepares you for change and the future.

What’s in “Wall”?

Chapter 1 It tells how a wall is made
How changes in the world affect the need for IE development
Why entrepreneurial thinking becomes key

2 chapter
How do other people resist? What do communication problems depend on
What is other people’s shadow and why it causes big problems

chapter 3
How to deal with the resistance of others
How to reach and understand people
How to talk and ask for answers and effect

chapter 4
How to develop entrepreneurial thinking
How to develop strategic thinking
How to strengthen self-esteem and be ready for challenges
How keep calm

Let’s move on to the final fifth mistake that determines whether we will get up from a difficult moment or whether life will overwhelm us.

5th error

Feeling overwhelmed with life, difficulties.

Life gives us a hard time, and we pour fuel on the fire and we get lost.


  1. Applying universal rules, which on the one hand are trivial, on the other hand are sometimes the most difficult activities that determine the level of our stress. All life has to be repeated and learned over and over again. This is constant mental training!
  2. Remembering the truths of life , which sometimes sound funny, banal, and sometimes save our lives. Sometimes we roll our eyes when we hear them, sometimes they settle deep within us and shape our worldview in life.
  3. Performing 5 mental rituals that are like oxygen to the mind. The body needs oxygen, food, water, vitamins. The mind needs these rituals to survive.

Universal rules that we should follow almost every day, especially in difficult moments. If any of the points is important to you, but you do not fully understand it and you want to develop it, write to us: [email protected] and we will tell you what to do to learn to apply this principle.

  1. Take care of your sleep
  2. Eat better than you do now
  3. Keep developing conscious breathing
  4. Note your thoughts so they don’t stay in your head
  5. Speak out to people you trust
  6. Talk to smart people
  7. Allow yourself to be weak
  8. Inhibit junk thoughts
  9. Allow yourself to throw out your anger, sadness
  10. Verify what really matters
  11. Focus on what you have control
  12. Take small steps in
  13. activities

  14. Cut off what is really unnecessary
  15. Let yourself be trusted
  16. Let yourself catch your breath, cut yourself off
  17. Take responsibility
  18. Trust yourself more
  19. Trust life more
  20. Trust more in God / Higher wisdom
  21. In spite of the difficulties, learn to be grateful for what you have
  22. Reinforce contact with yourself and the internal battery.
  23. … add your own…

Remember the truths of life.
This list is not exhaustive, but it is the 7 truths that are crucial for me in times of doubt, frustration and overwhelming.

  1. It’s just a stage, the world doesn’t collapse. The world won’t collapse, but you will, if you don’t take care of what’s important now.
  2. If you are in harmony with yourself then everything will be fine.
  3. If you feel calm inside, it is all right.
  4. If you don’t feel at ease, this is a signal that you have to listen to in order to change the specific thing you are clinging to.
  5. You will remember this moment as a difficult but important moment.
  6. There were such moments before and you made it!
  7. Do what you won’t regret at 100 🙂
  8. … add your own…

5 Mental Rituals
These are the mantras and questions that make up the morning and evening ritual, and sometimes a day-long process that takes your mind to come to the key discoveries that allow us to break through the wall.

5 Mantras:

  1. Accept what you have not accepted so far
  2. Allow yourself what you have not allowed yourself to do so far
  3. Let go of what you haven’t let go of
  4. Indulge what you have not allowed so far
  5. Notice what you haven’t noticed so far

5 questions:

  1. What I need to accept and what I have not accepted
  2. What I need to afford and have not allowed myself to do
  3. What I need to let go and what I have not let go of
  4. What I need to admit and what I have not allowed until now
  5. What I need to notice and what I haven’t noticed so far

What are you discovering in this article? Please write in the comment!

At the same time, if you need to develop this topic, I invite you to watch the unique, free live training.

For two hours, I talk about the greater detail of each of the following points! Lots of examples, tips!
> Click here

Książka Ściana - Adam Dębowski, Wojtek Maroszek

And here you can buy the book “Wall”

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