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Although the circles around the “Wiara and Tęcza” group have just announced their unofficial participation in WYD in Krakow, the information about the LGBT Pilgrims’ Harbor has already caused many more or less “picky” comments on this subject. One of the TV stations described this idea as “a little controversy”, although it seems to me that, after numerous statements by Pope Francis about homosexuals, this issue should no longer be astonishing. Besides, the Holy Father did not express an opinion on this matter that would be contrary to the universal teaching of the Church, and which is often suggested. It is obvious that respect is due to every human being, regardless of condition, origin or possessions, which there is no doubt about it and it is taught in the Gospel. The Pope must be right when he said: “Homosexuals should not be discriminated against. They should be treated with respect “while adding:” Apologies are also due to the poor, but also to women and children who are forced to work.

As a person actively participating in the preparations for WYD, I will allow myself a few sentences of comment, fully aware that the words under which I sign my name may arouse negative reactions from the readers of the Tezeusz.pl portal. Well, the organizers of LGBT Pilgrim’s Landing admit that this event has no signs of provocation, is intentionally moved “next door” and is intended “for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people participating in World Youth Day and for their friends and allies “. I am glad that the people gathered around this group live inside the Church, are valuable people and live beautifully and fruitfully, as reported by the representatives of the “Faith and the Rainbow” group. The Church is one in her diversity. However, I do not think that this great youth festival, in which pilgrims from all over the world take part, would be a good opportunity for this type of action. People who come to WYD look for a community to worship their Lord together as followers of Christ. World Youth Day is also attended by seeking people who may have “lost” in their lives and want to stop in the maze of everyday life to re-establish contact with God. They are people with different views, experiences and problems, so I do not consider it necessary to impose such a narrative on the part of LGBTQ communities. Perhaps we should really focus on the repeated encouragement of Pope Francis to see Christ in the other person, to cultivate mutual understanding and respect with others without exposing his beliefs.

After these few days of meetings in the so-called In the “Days in Dioceses”, I can see that the essence here is the joy of being together in a community of believers. Let us respect each other regardless of political affiliation or orientation. After all, we will not be judged by our views, state of knowledge or possession, but we will be judged by the love we have shown to others and the love we have neglected. In my opinion, it is not necessary to expose the beliefs of people associated with the LGBTQ community during WYD, especially since the Church’s statement about homosexual acts has not changed. Meetings within WYD are open to everyone, participation in them is not dependent on someone’s belonging. The Pope will address his words to everyone, not to a selected group. Therefore, we should especially focus these days on a good opening and understanding of the Pope’s message and the accompanying catecheses.

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