What will cause earnings to drop by 10-90%? Who will be valued on the market?

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Changes taking place on the market make it necessary to acquire new competences. This applies to all of us, regardless of the industry or specialization, career level in the company, and also regardless of age. If you want to keep earnings in managerial or specialist positions at the current level and earn more, you will increasingly be required to have so-called “soft skills” and to raise the level of emotional intelligence.

This knowledge in the field of business psychology, which you will acquire in the next training courses for managers, is crucial for your career. It will be needed for good communication when conducting mediation, business negotiations, as well as for marketing – that is, acquiring customers and talking to the so-called difficult personalities in business. It will also allow for appropriate motivation of people and for skilful behavior during public speeches, including correct self-presentation. The higher your emotional, social and business intelligence, the better you are.

Our School of CVP Advisors develops such competences of the future in its students. Then they go through a real process of change in life, which causes them to strengthen themselves, overcome blockages, transform themselves, and grow in their sense of value. When we can deal with stress and manage our emotions, then we will be better at making the next change in our lives and discovering the idea for ourselves during it.

Since 2014, we have been developing our proprietary Change Value Process method in our school, which is a methodology of change management: both in the organization and in private life. It is also a coaching and therapeutic method. We have a motto there: “Adapt or Die”. If we cannot adapt quickly to changing conditions, manage our emotions, overcome our own resistance, switch to other courses of action, motivate and strengthen people in a crisis, or resolve a conflict, then we will cope worse.

Therefore, always in a crisis – and humanity will certainly have such a crisis in the future, according to the logic of history – people who will adapt better to changes will do better. The so-called “crooks” who can see business everywhere and know how to “figure it out” can certainly do it – sometimes even in a completely ethical way, and yet still “clever”. And sometimes in an unethical way.

There is, however, another type of person – people with a high level of cognitive, emotional, and business intelligence – who, without “dodging”, can build cooperation with people and adapt to changes, that they can cope better by exerting an appropriate influence on surroundings. And now let’s look at the labor market. What are the competences of the future indicated in many reports as the key ones in order to be able to maintain a well-paid job despite robotization or digitization? In the conditions of the changing labor market, some specializations will be doomed to collapse while others will develop dynamically. The Deloitte Human Capital report from 2017 shows that 94% of companies declare that the success of their organization is determined by “agility and cooperation”. But only 6% can say that their structures are “agile”. And that is really the problem.

In a report published a few months ago, we examined nearly half a thousand people in terms of coping with the pandemic. What are their moods? You can download it from our website . And there, in the chapter one, I am talking about agility, competence. I draw your attention to the need to be flexible and approach cooperation in a modern way. After downloading this free report, please share it with as many people as possible. Its first chapter is really important. It contains previously unpublished material on the aforementioned “agility”, which is the basis for understanding the principles of modern cooperation.

It could be defined as: “Manifesto Agile Management” or “Manifesto Change Value Process” . If you want to increase your confidence that you will stay in the market in the new times, you absolutely need to know these types of reports. Our institute publishes them regularly. The first one concerning the competences of the future appeared in 2012 and is still valid today. 80% of the respondents are people with higher education from medium and large cities – our clients. It is clearly visible that the level of their competences means that they are doing better than other participants in our research.

The international organization dealing with market research and strategic consulting McKinsey prepared a summary showing the time spent on work requiring different qualifications in 2002, 2016 and 2030. Note that in 2002, 33% of the time was spent on physical and manual activities. In 2016, it was in turn 31%. But in 2030 it will be only 26%. Similarly, basic cognitive skills were 20% advanced at 21%. In 2016, the basic ones decreased and the advanced ones gently grew. And the anticipated trend is such that basic cognitive skills, such as calculating or drawing basic conclusions, will be less and less important. However, the level of advanced skills will increase. But see how social and emotional grow up according to this report. Not to mention digital and technological. So it was the pandemic that reminded mankind that we need to digitize or modernize.

Good communication is the basis for influencing and succeeding in the market

Unfortunately, a lot of people are possibly the highest on Facebook. However, he has absolutely no idea about other applications. Meanwhile, every company should become technological by at least 20 percent. Which doesn’t mean it has to become IT. However, if it is not “digitized”, its costs will grow and it will not cope. You must therefore make it a point of honor to know new applications or use modern smartphone or “cloud” services and have it in your fingertips. Regardless of what position you are in. If you do not develop these “technological competences”, then in 5-10 years you will earn 10-50% less. For in every job you will need to “be digitized” – at least ten – or one hundred percent.

You cannot “resist” technology. She must be your core. It cannot be just the “youth trend”. Trainers who have just woken up to use webinar rooms, live on Facebook to do online training – are suffering. Contrary to us, who – thanks to this openness to new – simply earn money now, during the pandemic. Some of our clients are still not convinced of these technical innovations and are no longer able to use our services.

Trainers, coaches, advisors from various fields – not only psychological or business – who still stubbornly say that “only physical contact counts” are now losing clients. And companies that did not have an e-commerce, i.e. an online store, no matter what industry, simply suffer. Such remote influencing your clients is really a matter of your survival in the labor market right now. Perhaps in some industries you will lose “only” – and “as much as” at the same time – 10 or 20 percent of the market, and maybe you will lose 100 percent in 5-10 years. So don’t be a “fool” and take no chances. At the same time, you must invest in social and emotional competences. I have been a “geek” and “tetnik” many times in my career. Downwind because I didn’t understand a lot of things and made simple but serious mistakes. Tetrik, because I stuck too much to what used to be, I wasn’t innovative.

Training is needed for managers to be able to manage the upcoming changes.

Now let’s take a look at which 10 professions are starting to lose importance. Sometimes 10 percent within five years, sometimes in 90 percent. It depends a lot on how your industry and your business continue to innovate. This list will certainly include the position of Data Entry Employee, Accounting and Payroll Employee, Administrative Employee, Assembly Line Employee, Information and Customer Service Employee, Business Service Manager, Auditor, Post Office Clerk, Financial Analyst, and Warehouseman.

It is no longer reading reports on trends or competences of the future. This is not a whim of psychologists or sociologists or over-intellectualized boards. It is your responsibility to read reports such as our institute and not just clicking through infographics. Why am I expressing myself so strongly now. To everyone who reads this that it is not a fad. In many respects, the performance of various professions – such as financial analysis – will be carried out with the help of artificial intelligence. I am not saying that each of the above-mentioned professions will disappear in 5-10 years. However, they will certainly lose their relevance. Ten percent or one hundred percent. Therefore, you have to raise your emotional, social and business competences, because only in one hundred, two hundred and three hundred years, technology – artificial intelligence will be able to replace these soft skills of “cognitive advancement”. This is really important.

So what kind of professions will become more important? Certainly a data analyst who can notice non-obvious non-obviousities and draw strategic conclusions that the computer will not notice and be unable to connect with each other. Generally, Big Data trends, artificial intelligence specialist – machine learning, chief manager and operational manager – people management will still be needed, albeit at a higher level; manager, programmer, software analyst, sales and marketing specialist. But beware, it will no longer be the salesperson calling the customers. Now he will have to be able to: set up landing-page , squeeze page , operate a marketing program, run social media. It will be an “integrated marketer-salesperson” who must know the techniques of persuasion, ie the secrets of influencing the customer. That is why the social selling trend, or as our partner and expert Marcin Rutecki from the Intelligence and Business Club: E-Sales, calls it, will be increasingly important. Companies order development programs from us to teach marketing salespeople and sales marketers, and to connect this with the online sphere.

Marketers must know how to sell, salespeople must know how to conduct digital marketing. The sooner you understand this, the more value you will add to the labor market. Digital transformation specialist, new technology specialist, organization development specialist – generally an IT specialist. However, many simple IT aspects, such as web development, are already being replaced.

Five or ten years ago you had to pay a minimum of PLN 3,000 for a nice website. Usually prices ranged from 5,000 to 10,000. Now I buy a template for PLN 100 and the software guides me through the entire process. And a nice website, the one I need, I have in a few hours. Such a change took place in 3 – 4 years. What will change in the next 5-10?

In light of the above comments, you would agree with me that reading reports on the competences of the future is actually everyone’s responsibility. And not only in terms of your industry. It is no longer just the domain of management boards, sociologists or psychologists. What about employees of production plants? Start watching futuristic movies. Black mirrors meaning Black mirrors – this is a must movie reading to watch on Netflix. Get Netflix just to watch this movie.

Leadership in the 21st century company

Now, for a moment, imagine that you have a higher level of business intelligence and imagine: if I were a manager or owner of a production company, what would I care about? Certainly to reduce costs. Having people in the team who add value. Companies will automate everything they can. So ask yourself questions: can my work, the work of my son, daughter, uncle, son-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, wife, husband be automated.

Talk about it. Ask people the question: If your work were to be automated, what would it be like then? And don’t be fooled by the “opinions” entitled “No, no, people will need individual contact.” With each successive five-year period, fewer and fewer customers need individual contact with an agent of a given company in the case of simple purchases. In advanced negotiations, of course, but to, for example, sign an insurance contract, I really don’t need to meet with the company’s representative. All I need is a guarantee that this insurance is good and the entire procedure is dealt with quickly. Question: how many customers like me are there already? And you have to ask yourself this question if your source of income is this kind of work.

Let us now devote a moment to our own competences, which are worth investing in, because the demand for them on the European market will soon increase by as much as 25%, according to such reports as McKinsey or Deloitte. Social competences, social intelligence, entrepreneurship, the ability to take initiatives – proactivity, management of people and teams, leadership – social influence, negotiation skills, emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize emotions of oneself and others, as well as their management, orientation to people’s needs, cooperation, adjusting one’s activities in the organization in relation to the activities of others, intercultural competence – also Poland is opening up more and more to the world. For example, if you understand Ukrainians, Russians, Indians better and you can adapt to them, the organization will start to value you as one of those people who can communicate with foreign partners. Then you will not be the proverbial “Pole” who complains about other cultures. Another thing is ‘diversity management’.

The world has been VUCA for a long time, that is: Volatility (variable), Uncertainty (uncertain), Complexity (complex) and Ambiguity (ambiguous). I wrote about it in an important article some time ago. After all, he was like that already in antiquity. Digitization exacerbates this vagueness even further. Fake news, the dynamics of changes, globalization – the pandemic literally spread around the world in several days. That’s why we’ve been saying for many years: adapt or die.

Adapting to change is incredibly important. According to the Deloitte study cited above, the importance of so-called “higher cognitive skills” will increase by 14% by 2030. It is about interdisciplinarity and cognitive flexibility, i.e. the ability to “switch” thinking between different problems and sets of different rules. Most people live in a state of being attached to one reality. Meanwhile, the challenge of our time is the ability to dynamically change in response to dynamic changes in the conditions in which we operate.

Those of you who have been to Business Leadership Mindset know the list of invisible competencies. One of them, developed in our school, is “switching between contexts”. It is what characterizes leaders in senior positions who earn more and entrepreneurs. Switching between contexts is a smooth transition between different tasks. For example, at 9 o’clock you have to talk to a very sensitive, fragile employee who cannot handle stress. We have a sharp negotiation conversation at 9:35. At 10:14, we have an email where many complex elements need to be parsed. Later we are on a webinar that teaches us about Excel … And so on and so on …

The more interdisciplinary we can be, the better we will do. However, there is a small “but” here – which I have also been saying for years. You can “go” to the interdisciplinarity that we teach at our CVP School of Advisers apart from developing coaching, therapeutic and psychological competences. After graduating from our school, you will not only become a coach. You will go through a process of transformation by getting to know yourself “multidimensionally”.

You build such a potential of knowledge and competence that the following years will be a huge increase in your social, cognitive and emotional intelligence. Thanks to this, you will be able to act interdisciplinary and solve complex problems. You will also be more creative by being able to deal with many of your own fears. There is, however, a second direction as well. For if you are an “outstanding” specialist in an outstanding technological, engineering and industrial specialization, you do not have to go multidimensional and interdisciplinary. You can then be closed in on yourself, not wide-eyed, not very creative person.

If you have your own, inaccessible to the public, specialist knowledge of a very sublime, specialized engineering technology – for example: IT, robotization, artificial intelligence, or very specialized and legal aspects, highly specialized-intercultural or outstanding specialization in any other industry, then you do not have to listen to me or read any reports at all. You also don’t need to worry about your emotional and social intelligence at all. For the next 10 – 20 years, you will earn more than CEOs because of your exceptional-outstanding knowledge. But only then can you fail to develop integrally, multi-dimensionally, emotionally and socially.

If someone has the mentality of a poor man, who focuses only on the patterns he knows and expects that the state will provide for him / her, then such a person becomes poorer. And the one who is developmental, who learns a lot and thinks progressively – then advances. The more capitalism develops in the contemporary world, the richer this “pro-development” part of the so-called “Middle class”. And symmetrically, the remainder then becomes poorer. This “disappearance of the middle class” is dangerous as it creates ever greater social contrasts. In percentage terms, the percentage of the less affluent, less “embraced” – ie “non-developing” people will then systematically increase. And then it will trigger another social rebellion.

New capitalism – new forms of leadership in the company

In the context of the above comments, it can be said with certainty that we are facing a great transformation into the “new capitalism”. This new era will crystallize in the next 10 to 20 years. Then the rich will pay more taxes so that the state will be able to give a fixed salary to every citizen because he lives in a given state. It is impossible to “socially” influence the fact that 90% of society, which is not a progressive part, suddenly becomes progressive within just a few years. This will change evolutionarily over the years. People will eventually start to see that being more “progressive” and developmental is really a necessity. And it is not about the fact that everyone has to “rush after the cash” unconsciously. It is about multidimensional development, controlling emotions and thus being a more fulfilled person – and therefore also happy.

A person who develops multidimensionally then cares for himself, for his family, for balance in life – and therefore also for the related comfort of life, including adequate rest. It is also a social trend that is developing in the world. However, people who will not be outstanding specialists and / or will not develop interdisciplinary and multidimensionally, will earn less and less. They will then be members of the poor majority. And the only salvation, so that there is no social rebellion, is for the wealthy to pay more and more taxes for the maintenance of social peace described above. This will not be an allowance for a sick / disabled person. It will simply be a fixed salary and – in my opinion – the entire financial system of the Western world is currently moving in this direction.

I think this is very, very real because it is also a way of controlling society more and more. However, if you do not want to live on such a “state salary” but earn more thanks to your own knowledge and competences, then you must develop: either as an outstanding, outstanding specialist in the field of law, engineering, medicine or technology, or you need to develop interdisciplinaryly. Currently, the demand for technical and digital competences is growing the fastest. If you do not want to “play” at the CVP Advisors School, emotional and social intelligence – you don’t care about the so-called “Soft skills”, invest in technology. Take part in all possible courses that will allow you to understand Big Data, business analysis, programming design, robotization, machine learning – all these “digital areas” will be on top for the next several decades.

Soft skills – Your ticket to success

There are schools that teach programming and then after six months you can earn five thousand. A year later, even twice as many. One of our former developers is now a highly paid professional working for one of the largest corporations in the world. His job is to build robots from the comfort of his home. He developed with us as a programmer and marketer, but developed his “soft skills”. Thanks to this, for the last three years he has traveled all over Asia as a product manager , who knew not only about technology but also about interpersonal communication and was able to manage projects. He was making very good money back then, and now he was hired as a programmer who “sees things more”. It is also one of the “invisible competences”, the so-called “broader thinking”, which we develop in our CVP School of Advisors and in the CVP Business School or the CVP School of Managers and Leaders. The latter is for people who do not dream of a career as a coach / therapist / counselor. They are entrepreneurs by nature and they want to take their social, emotional and business intelligence to the next level. The third one is for managers in medium and large companies who want to develop their position and management competences.

At the CVP School of Advisers, we also develop the aforementioned so-called “Breadth of thinking”, that is, the ability to perceive reality in a multidimensional way in order to be able to combine its various aspects. And our graduate earns now, at the age of 30, over 20,000 zlotys. You do not need to have extensive experience in robotization for this. However, you have to be “kumaty” and think efficiently. This is another ‘invisible competence’: ‘agility / speed of thinking’. We have listed all these “invisible competences” in the Change Value Process and the program of the CVP Advisers School has been arranged in such a way that each of them can be trained for 1.5 to two years in different ways. The point is that you should be able to – regardless of whether you will be a coach, advisor, trainer or not – be able to find your place on the labor market. And not only because you will be able to resolve conflicts or communicate better with people having a higher level of empathy and understanding of other people. Also, to be able to solve difficult, complex engineering, programming and business problems. Because that’s what the world will expect of you.

Remember that the key to earning more money, to job security in various positions – but also to business satisfaction – is “A clear vision and a strategy built around it, cooperation based on empathy, deep understanding of processes – but also understanding your employees and the differences between them: age, culture, competences, gender. They determine their way of thinking and acting, as well as whether they quickly and correctly interpret trends and are able to constantly adapt to changes “- as we read in one of the reports on the competences of the future.

If you do not follow these rules, you have a guarantee that in three, five or ten years you will earn less from 10 to even 90%. I am not writing this to encourage you to use our programs. We have things to do and you don’t have to think about it at all. I am telling you about it because we have been observing the trends of competences on the market and employees of small and large companies for many years. Some of them are doing great and others not at all. And we know exactly why that is.

We read Polish and foreign reports, we create these reports ourselves, we conduct observations and serious talks with business life participants and we simply analyze the reality. So if you feel that I could be a suitable mentor for your development, I encourage you to study with us. If not, then do your best to verify each year whether your level of emotional, social and business competence is increasing. Do you also understand trends? And do you understand why the professions will cease to be present in some time or at least they will no longer provide a high standard of living? And why will they be replaced in this respect by other professions? And ask yourself whether in the last five / ten years you have invested in the development of competences – either specialized in medical, legal, engineering and technological, or in the development of soft skills at a sufficient level.

I created the CVP School of Advisers not only for those people who want to work as coaches, advisers, business or life trainers in the future. Also about those who want to develop the abovementioned competences of the future, among those described as “invisible”. If someone will not be able to afford time / money / energy, I invite you to follow us at least for some time. Perhaps you will be ready for it someday.

I run free training and information webinars on a regular basis, which in addition to providing information to their audience about how they can develop, are also part of the Leadership Mindset Community. This is a community that we have consciously built for a year, in which our mission is to support its participants – leaders and companies to grow. Therefore, we organize free meetings, webinars and live shows. There were over 30 online meetings during the pandemic. We provided over 60 hours of free material to support you during the pandemic. This is the mission of our community: to educate in the context of emotional, social and business intelligence.

We strongly believe

the one who knows more wins

about myself, people, business. Our mission is to inspire you to find a balance between achieving results – success in business and higher income, and inner peace. Maintain internal balance. And at the same time have contact with yourself and be able to take care of yourself. Be in touch with your intuition, with your soul. And be passionate about what you do.

It’s not easy for me, for example. I am constantly balancing between doing a lot of things for our community and doing my own business. After all, I know that if we do not develop as a company, we will be left behind and then our standard of living will also drop, and in the end our company will simply collapse. So you have to move forward, dynamically developing your business and your competences. Both the visible and the invisible. Both present and future ones.

And of course you have to be able to take care of balance and balance in all of this. Before capitalism leads us into its characteristic, proverbial “rat race”, associated with the exploitation of people. And here

the point is for business to grow and people to grow

And it’s not that easy at all. We deeply believe at the Institute of Change Leaders, which runs the Change Value Process project, that

The effects come from you

You certainly can’t control everything, but you have control over what you do. And we strongly believe that

Life is the process of becoming yourself, to the measure you set for yourself and which you keep discovering

This continuous process never ends. We also do not know whether it is achievable at all for as many leaders as possible to be guided by strong values, but we are striving for such a vision. To bring together such leaders who are guided by “human”, good values. And at the same time, that these good people could build a strong competitive advantage – theirs or companies, a strong brand – theirs or companies, introduce innovations and generate high profits. We aim to do this through non-commercial activities such as free webinars. Sometimes, when a supportive person who really has no money comes to us, we run a program like Pay It Forward. So we devote this person a number of hours coaching, advising and therapeutically and this person is obliged to pass on, i.e. at least the same number of hours to help someone else.

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