What do higher earnings and position in the company depend on?

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2 ways to higher earnings

One would like to say that in order to earn more you have to choose one of two paths. By following the right one, you will surely achieve higher earnings.

As you can imagine, it is not that simple.

Below is a real example of one of the many paths you can follow. This is an example of one of my clients who has gone from 5,000 in the last 4 years. PLN for almost 30 thousand. PLN.

Be sure to read because it’s an inspiring story that shows that sometimes, to earn more, we have to start by changing our beliefs and ourselves, not by asking for a raise.

In this article you will also find additional material for download (this will be a HIT for many).

It shows what questions we need to know the answers to in order to be guaranteed higher earnings. It is also a short test that quickly verifies your earning potential in the next 3-24 months.

Do you want to check if you can count on a raise in the near future? Be sure to download the material at the end of the article and take the test.

In 4 years from 5,000 PLN up to 30 thousand. PLN monthly

Get to know the story of my client who in 2-4 years moved from the salary of 5,000 PLN to 20 thousand. PLN, and even 30 thousand. PLN. I would like to publish specific data and information about him, but my client now has to take care of confidentiality, so here are details that show you what he did, that he entered a higher earnings league while maintaining the confidentiality of his data.

My client works in an industry and company that requires complete discretion. These are not secret offices, organizations or the mafia 🙂 Everything is legal, but discretion is here required.

The most important thing, however, is to understand what influenced the change in his earnings and career development.

Andrzej (name changed) worked as a programmer in a 50-person company that created software for companies. He earned 4.9 thousand. PLN for an employment contract. It was 2014. He was good at what he was doing, but for a long time he had been hurt by something. He couldn’t tell.

As he described, he started by browsing the Internet for lack of motivation or stress, because that was what he associated with his condition. He talked to his friends that he did not feel like working a bit, he was bored with this job, he did not feel that he was fulfilling himself. He once wrote to me in an e-mail: “I talked here, read there and I didn’t know what to do with myself. Six months have passed this way. Nothing has changed. I was doing my job. But it tires me too much. I have to change something. ”

He said he needed to understand himself better and find energy. We started working through a series of 4 counseling and coaching sessions. After 5 months he decided to go for 4 more. Two years later, in 2016 we worked for 3 more sessions.

Andrzej in 2015 increased his salary to 7.5 thousand. PLN. In 2016, he moved to another company and received 11,000. PLN per month. In 2017, it jumped to the level of 15 thousand. PLN + bonuses. In 2018, it reached the level of 23 thousand. PLN on hand.

What was going on during this time?

The first important element was finding the causes of the energy drop. It turned out that he was frustrated by not routinely working with software made at (in his opinion) too low code level.

At first he did not realize that it was not routine and the low quality of the algorithms that could finish him off. On this basis, he realized that one of his key values ​​is the creation of new solutions and the high quality of the developed software.

Just realizing it brought a gleam to my eye. This was an important turning point.

The next step was to create a goal which was: I want to work on creative and quality projects . This goal gave him confidence.

More than a month after setting the goal, talking to the boss, he shared his thoughts. He smiled and said: it is very good, because we want to open a new project in 3 months, which will require unconventional thinking and caring for a demanding client .

The company thought it would have to hire someone new, because the current programmers are great professionals, but they don’t think more. They agreed that Andrzej will last 3 months, during which time he will be preparing for the new project. Seeing Andrzej’s commitment and the awakening potential of Andrzej to keep him, the company gave a raise of 6,000. PLN with an additional bonus for the implementation of the project for the first three months: 3,000. PLN. When the project got underway, it began to receive 7.5 thousand. PLN.

After a few months, Andrzej appeared at a local conference of industry experts , where he shared his conclusions from the implementation of the new software. After 2 weeks, he received a job offer in another company and a proposal of 10,000. PLN salary. He negotiated an additional 1 thousand. PLN plus free Friday once a month and a car.

But the best was yet to come.

In 2016, we again worked on our management skills and the ability to make difficult decisions. Andrzej had more people behind him and started to be responsible for larger projects . He had to develop what we call Leadership Mindset, a way of thinking that characterizes the best, a way of looking at people, at business that makes it easier for you to manage and decide.

When Andrzej shared that he was investing in his own development, he surprised his superiors. They also saw that Andrzej was able to grasp more topics and that he was doing what he was committing to . When there were development talks at the beginning of 2017, Andrzej clearly communicated what he expected to increase. After short negotiations, he received 15,000. PLN + quarterly bonuses.

What led to this? All items marked with “ bold ” were key. His way of thinking, attitude, goals he set for himself, projects for which he took responsibility and communicating his expectations constituted the foundation for a threefold increase in salary.

Someone will say: yeah, but this is IT. It is there.

The fact is that IT has been growing in strength for years and the combination of Leadership Mindset with programming skills gives an explosive mixture, which in the case of Andrzej meant that in 2018 he moved to another company, to a higher position and currently earns over 23,000. PLN per hand + bonuses.

But every business appreciates the above “ brushed ” elements. Unless we are dealing with a boss dictator, a complex poison who extinguishes everything that goes beyond.

If you want to find out if you have the potential for promotion and / or higher earnings, please download the bonus material at the end of the article.

There you will find 10 questions that verify your possibilities and potential for a raise. They check if you meet the criteria for which the business will easily pay you more.

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