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There was one Saruman with us and his name was Bronisław Geremek. Currently, editor Żakowski is trying to take his place, but the effect is poor: he dazzles the audience with his monologues consisting of a series of digressions not related to anything. The effect of this, getting intoxicated with your vocabulary is poor, as I had the opportunity to see today in the Journalists’ Club “Pod Gruszką” in Krakow. Well, it doesn’t.

I now understand the frustration of leftism dreaming of enlightenment: that someone will come out and tell you straight as leftist. Żakowski should not exceed the elementary limits of decency, criticizing “Gazeta Polska” that it was a bottom. There is no doubt that there is “Gazeta Polska”, there is seaweed below, a layer of silt below, the bottom below, numerous rock layers below and only below “Polityka”. I know this because I make research trips to Polityka’s website like August Piccard goes to the bottom of the ocean in a bathyscaphe. So let’s keep some connection with reality.

What was that Pear? It was about immigrants and I hope there will be a report on Youtube. Unrealistic (and therefore vague by definition) outbursts of Red Żakowski disrupted the course of the meeting. RedNacz Terlikowski, despairing, contemplated the ceiling while listening to the elucubation: the fact that the Polans had united and the Prusians had not united. That we feel weak because we are afraid of ten thousand.

I can take such digressions for a long time: that Hakata failed, and that Australopithecus was running naked, and that it was so. It turned out that refugees are not refugees, but immigrants, but in a moment Żakowski says refugees. And every now and then he talks about his fears, what he is afraid of there. If he is so afraid, let him go to a specialist. Psychoanalysis or something. A new generation is growing and these fears do not work anymore (that’s why Komorowski lost!). But before I write about it, I will share what was there about these immigrants:

  1. Immigrants storming the EU border are not refugees by definition (she even wrote “Wyborcza” at one point)
  2. The real needy are sitting in camps in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, etc. And the EU doesn’t care. Pressed down, Żakowski began to ask why they weren’t being talked about. Here you have to answer, not ask.
  3. There were proposals for the order of admission: orphans (from the room), and these are Christians and Yazidis, possibly positive Sunnis.
  4. RedNacz Terlikowski pointed to the need to free the locals from the chains of the Caliphate.
  5. The above also indicated that the caliphate assimilated Western concepts: once Sharia was a personal law and applied to Muslims, and now, following the Western example, it applies to everyone – the concept of territorial law. Very interesting arguments.
  6. They extinguished Żakowski with a text about a Pole wise from harm. As he stated that terrorists have not attacked us yet.
  7. There was a bit more about cohabitation, that there is a work in France and the president and the prime minister are taking a joint position. Come on. We also have Prime Minister Kopacz so that she could ask President Duda what to do there. I don’t want to.
  8. They said that attacks in Poland are not profitable, because nobody cares about us and they will not report on us in the world.

The business of people smuggling can be estimated at several billion euros. And how did a modest hundred million of this go into bribes for EU officials? They got in the catch, the transfer should be like a doghouse. However, this is not the most important thing, nor is it even terror. If refugees do not come to Europe, but only some unknown element, if they make the transfer of functionaries from ISIS or the Caliphate as easy as possible, then this is how it is supposed to be. The question is why? The so-called “Palmego doctrine” (http://korwin-mikke.pl/ogolne/zobacz/ziemkiewicz_w_europie_funkcjonuje_doktryna_olofa_palmego/117850) does not explain everything. Muslims can and will help to destroy homogeneous societies, but they themselves do not want to melt into the newfangled swamp, but use the situation to create a new homogeneous society. The left has been used here as a tool to facilitate the embedding of Islam in Europe. Why are they so used? Without conspiracy theories of history, as can be seen, reality cannot be explained. Someone turned leftism and that’s it.

Unfortunately, there was not much time for the questions from the audience, so I didn’t get to the microphone. And it is not easy to construct a relevant and concise question. Who reads my blog knows that I am occupied with the “pecking order in a herd of baboons”, or why in the leftist hierarchy, immigrants are higher than homosexuals and those higher than trances and those higher than feminists and women at the bottom? Some introductory questions can be asked here:

  1. Shouldn’t we limit helping immigrants to sending them sex educators from PONTON and translating “The Big Book of Pussy” into Arabic?
  2. There is also equality education in the spirit of the Violent Convention. Shouldn’t they take the acquaintance exam? Shouldn’t they be obligatory to manifest?
  3. Why should we limit the time horizon of considerations to a few months and not consider them in a longer period? Twenty Million in Twenty Years: Are These Numbers Sure?
  4. Why is the Catotaliban so fearful and the Taliban welcoming you?

These are detailed problems, but so demanding that I do not expect editor Żakowski to be able to give a clear answer. We conclude from the course of events that the policy of equality and violence is a fake, intended to weaken European societies in order to facilitate conquest. Therefore, the “Violent Convention”, equality does not apply to newcomers as conquerors, because it would make it difficult for them to take control of Europe.


There was one Saruman with us and his name was Bronisław Geremek. Currently, editor Żakowski is trying to take his place, but the effect is poor: he dazzles the audience with his monologues consisting of a series of digressions not related to anything. The effect of this, getting intoxicated with your vocabulary is poor, as I had the opportunity to see today in the Journalists’ Club “Pod Gruszką” in Krakow. It doesn’t work.

I now understand the frustration of leftism dreaming of enlightenment: that someone will come out and tell you straight as leftist. Żakowski should not exceed the elementary limits of decency, criticizing “Gazeta Polska” that it was a bottom. There is no doubt that there is “Gazeta Polska”, there is seaweed below, a layer of silt below, the bottom below, numerous rock layers below and only below “Polityka”. I know this because I make research trips to Polityka’s website like August Piccard goes to the bottom of the ocean in a bathyscaphe. So let’s keep some connection with reality.

What was that Pear? It was about immigrants and I hope there will be a report on Youtube. Unrealistic (and therefore vague by definition) outbursts of Red Żakowski disrupted the course of the meeting. RedNacz Terlikowski, despairing, contemplated the ceiling while listening to the elucubation: the fact that the Polans had united and the Prusians had not united. That we feel weak because we are afraid of ten thousand.

I can take such digressions for a long time: that Hakata failed, and that Australopithecus was running naked, and that it was so. It turned out that refugees are not refugees, but immigrants, but in a moment Żakowski says refugees. And every now and then he talks about his fears, what he is afraid of there. If he is so afraid, let him go to a specialist. Psychoanalysis or something. A new generation is growing and these fears do not work anymore (that’s why Komorowski lost!). But before I write about it, I will share what was there about these immigrants:

  1. Immigrants storming the EU border are not refugees by definition (she even wrote “Wyborcza” at one point)
  2. The real needy are sitting in camps in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, etc. And the EU doesn’t care. Pressed down, Żakowski began to ask why they weren’t being talked about. Here you have to answer, not ask.
  3. There were proposals for the order of admission: orphans (from the room), and these are Christians and Yazidis, possibly positive Sunnis.
  4. RedNacz Terlikowski pointed to the need to free the locals from the chains of the Caliphate.
  5. The above also indicated that the caliphate assimilated Western concepts: once Sharia was a personal law and applied to Muslims, and now, following the Western example, it applies to everyone – the concept of territorial law. Very interesting arguments.
  6. They extinguished Żakowski with a text about a Pole wise from harm. As he stated that terrorists have not attacked us yet.
  7. There was a bit more about cohabitation, that there is a work in France and the president and the prime minister are taking a joint position. Come on. We also have Prime Minister Kopacz so that she could ask President Duda what to do there. I don’t want to.
  8. They said that attacks in Poland are not profitable, because nobody cares about us and they will not report on us in the world.

The business of people smuggling can be estimated at several billion euros. And how did a modest hundred million of this go into bribes for EU officials? They got in the catch, the transfer should be like a doghouse. However, this is not the most important thing, nor is it even terror. If refugees do not come to Europe, but only some unknown element, if they make the transfer of functionaries from ISIS or the Caliphate as easy as possible, then this is how it is supposed to be. The question is why? The so-called “Palmego doctrine” (http://korwin-mikke.pl/ogolne/zobacz/ziemkiewicz_w_europie_funkcjonuje_doktryna_olofa_palmego/117850) does not explain everything. Muslims can and will help to destroy homogeneous societies, but they themselves do not want to melt into the newfangled swamp, but use the situation to create a new homogeneous society. The left has been used here as a tool to facilitate the embedding of Islam in Europe. Why are they so used? Without conspiracy theories of history, as can be seen, reality cannot be explained. Someone turned leftism and that’s it.

Unfortunately, there was not much time for the questions from the audience, so I didn’t get to the microphone. And it is not easy to construct a relevant and concise question. Who reads my blog knows that I am occupied with the “pecking order in a herd of baboons”, or why in the leftist hierarchy, immigrants are higher than homosexuals and those higher than trances and those higher than feminists and women at the bottom? Some introductory questions can be asked here:

  1. Shouldn’t we limit helping immigrants to sending them sex educators from PONTON and translating “The Big Book of Pussy” into Arabic?
  2. There is also equality education in the spirit of the Violent Convention. Shouldn’t they be taking the acquaintance exam? Shouldn’t they be obligatory to manifest?
  3. Why should we limit the time horizon of considerations to a few months and not consider them in a longer period? Twenty Million in Twenty Years: Are These Numbers Sure?
  4. Why is the Catotaliban so fearful and the Taliban welcoming you?

These are detailed problems, but so demanding that I do not expect editor Żakowski to be able to give a clear answer. We conclude from the course of events that the policy of equality and violence is a fake, intended to weaken European societies in order to facilitate conquest. Therefore, the “Violent Convention”, equality does not apply to newcomers as conquerors, because it would make it difficult for them to take control of Europe.


Ed. Ziemkiewicz made a column “The Last Pina Ecstasy” http://fakty.interia.pl/felietony/ziemkiewicz/news-ostatnia-ekstaza-pina,nId,1892684 and I had the opportunity to see a model pin in action. Ziemkiewicz focuses on the moral aspect: turning everything into a moral problem. More important, however, is the anxiety aspect: the PIN is afraid of everything. A model example here is editor Michnik, who has been dazzling us with his drug conditions for the last 26 years. And enough. Ed. Żakowski is also afraid, but this is not the reason why his speech is incoherent. It cannot overcome the limitations, aptly described by Tomasz Wróblewski in the article “10 rules how to write a perfect leftist column” (http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/wiadomosc.html?wid=17843060&kat=1027139&title=Tomasz-Wroblewski-10-zasad) -how-to-write-a-perfect-left-wing-column & ticaid = 115a66 & _ticrsn = 3). However, these forms are no longer sufficient and they are losing. It is really no coincidence that ethosarian circles have put up a functional semi-alphabet as a frontman who, when he is not fooling off the page, can only tell some stories about bigos and sperm whales. The questions from the presidential referendum, especially the second and third, are not by accident. What was the answer NO to the question about resolving doubts in favor of the taxpayer supposed to mean? The second question was not about the abolition of party funding from the budget, as they falsely presented it. It was about an unspecified change of the method, i.e. the answer YES could mean consent to the entry of Żakowski to his salary. They really do function that way. For the new generation, not watching TV, it does not make any impression. Anyway, it prefers concrete: short, concise and to the point. He needs coffee on the bench: that you understand democracy as your own rule. If the Civic Platform is cut off from the manger, it is no longer a democracy. It was similar in the Polish People’s Republic, where democracy relied on the rule of the Polish United Workers’ Party. Comrade Brezhnev worked for tolerance: his goal was that the commies around the world were not only tolerated but also affirmed. Likewise, now the salon tolerationists tolerate no one but themselves.

We are currently facing regime change and the responses to this change have been compromising. One is that this is normal in a democracy, and two that the opposition is not the ruling party. Well, they don’t understand it. The masses can see it and have a bigger and bigger belly. The salon people also look embarrassing against the background of immigrants who break through seas, mountains, rivers, borders and not through the qukola, how fearful they are. If you are afraid, shoot the antidepressant. The fearful role model will not be.

There are, however, cultural similarities: DoRzeczy reported that the head of the law firm Bronka communicated with the driver by phone. And it was not the driver that he called, but the secretary, and she spoke to the driver. Against the background of this manifestation of eastern satrapy, the writers that say “good morning” to boletus, cleaners, and drivers have a positive impact, because they see in them inalienable human dignity. Bronek saw himself as a sultan or emir before whom everyone fell down, but he was the only one who saw himself.

PS: A few more guys were performing there, but I don’t know who.

PS2: There was no hot chocolate, so be careful when you go ahead.

We are currently facing regime change and the responses to this change have been compromising. One is that this is normal in a democracy, and two that the opposition is not the ruling party. Well, they don’t understand it. The masses can see it and have a bigger and bigger belly. The salon people also look embarrassing against the background of immigrants who break through seas, mountains, rivers, borders and not through the qukola, how fearful they are. If you are afraid, shoot the antidepressant. The fearful role model will not be.

There are, however, cultural similarities: DoRzeczy reported that the head of the law firm Bronka communicated with the driver by phone. And it was not the driver who called directly, but the secretary, and she spoke to the driver. Against the background of this manifestation of eastern satrapy, the writers that say “good morning” to boletus, cleaners, and drivers have a positive impact, because they see in them inalienable human dignity. Bronek saw himself as a sultan or emir before whom everyone fell down, but he was the only one who saw himself.

PS: A few more guys were performing there, but I don’t know who.

PS2: There was no hot chocolate, so be careful when you go ahead.

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